+44 01202 861 175
Eurofins E&E

+44 1202 861 175

Our Testing Services

AQL EMC offers a wide range of EMC and related testing services to customers worldwide. Our extensive experience, knowledge and unique capabilities make us the ideal partner for all of your EMC testing needs.

Alongside the other members of the Eurofins E&E UK network, we can offer customers across all industries and sectors a complete product compliance, testing and certification service.

Below you will find a summary of our core testing services offered – if you have any questions regarding these services, or any aspects of EMC testing, please get in touch with us directly.

Full details of our current UKAS Accrediation can be found here.

Defence Testing

AQL EMC is well-equipped to test to the requirements of specifications such as:

  • RTCA/D0-160C, D, E & F;
  • Mil Std 461 C, D, E & F;
  • Def Stan 59-41 & 59-411
  • Specialist requirements for EFA, JSF, Northrop Grumman, Airbus, Boeing, Westland and Honeywell

Our services include in-house test equipment for microwave emissions and susceptibility and transient testing, including:

  • DCS04
  • DCS05
  • DCS06
  • DCS11
  • DCS12C
  • S115
  • CS116
  • DRE03
  • DMFS01
  • RS105 and transients for client-specific requirements – we are the only test facility in the UK to offer RS105 testing.

We have the facility to test large cabins (<=20ft ISO) and up-to-date knowledge of many land platforms and systems.

Why choose AQL EMC?

We offer a complete EMC service to the Marine industry and defence forces worldwide.

Our EMC experts have recently worked on vessels as diverse as Oriana, Mirabella V, Sail Training ship Tenacious and Naval vessels from large helicopter carriers to small RIBS.

We offer RADHAZ services specifically tailored to the Marine and Defence environments and we are acknowledged specialists in all aspects of Marine EMC, formal trials and on-board investigations.

Aerospace Testing

AQL EMC is well-equipped to test to the requirements of specifications such as:

  • RTCA/D0-160C, D, E & F
  • Mil Std 461 C, D, E & F
  • Def Stan 59-41 & 59-411
  • Specialist requirements for EFA, JSF, Northrop Grumman, Airbus, Boeing, Westland and Honeywell.

We are the only test facility in the UK to offer RS105 testing, and our specialist, in-house testing services include microwave emissions, susceptibility and lightning transient testing.

On-Site EMC Testing

AQL EMC are the acknowledged experts in on-site EMC testing.

We offer a competitive, flexible service and will be pleased to provide fixed-price quotations for testing your system at your premises under our UKAS site testing accreditation.

This allows large systems to be tested to suitable specifications at a manageable cost.

If you are presenting a major system for testing, it can cause expensive delays if failures occur during tests and rework is necessary. This can be avoided by performing an informal pretest on either the whole system or critical parts of the system at an early stage.

Lightning Testing

AQL EMC is well equipped to test to the requirements of specifications such as RTCA/DO-160C and D, E & F, including multiple burst and multiple strokes, and specialist requirements for EFA, JSF, Northrop, Grumman, Airbus, Boeing, Westland and Honeywell.

Our specialist in-house testing capability allows us to produce client-specific waveforms using our fully-synthesized transient generator.

We are the only test facility in the UK to offer RS105 testing, and we have significant practical experience with lightning protection and its effects in the real world.

High-Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) & Attenuation Testing

AQL EMC has been performing high-level microwave radiated susceptibility tests for over 16 years and has an enormous depth of knowledge in this highly specialist area of EMC testing.

We have invested in specialised equipment dedicated to large and small screened enclosure measurements, which allows us to perform tests at many times the speed of our competitors.

We are taking our already enviable microwave-radiated susceptibility capabilities to even greater levels with further investment in our microwave HIRF capabilities between 1GHz and 40GHz.

Our Category 1 UKAS accreditation allows us to perform accredited tests on screened enclosures at our own site and on-site in their final location after installation.

Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) Testing

AQL EMC Ltd. has adopted the fully automated OpSens RadSens-2 system for HERO tests between 10kHz and 40GHz.

This 6-channel system replaces our original five-channel system, and our bespoke in-house software provides instant and accurate test data for EED analysis.

This covers standards such as Mil-Std 464A/B/C, Def Stan 59-114 and STANAG requirements for Land, Sea, and Air.