+44 01202 861 175
Eurofins E&E

+44 1202 861 175

Our Services

Alongside our EMC testing services, we can offer a range of supporting services that allow us to support our customers throught out their product development cycles. Details of these services can be found below.

Alongside the other members of the Eurofins E&E UK network, we can offer customers across all industries and sectors a complete product compliance, testing and certication service.

Details of our EMC testing services can be found here.


Expert Services, Guidance & Support

Acknowledged experts in providing solutions to your EMC and testing problems, we can extend a unique range of skills and services under one roof.

Our team of EMC engineers and experts are fully conversant with all aspects of EMC documentation, especially test plans, EMC control plans, EMC policy documents and bespoke EMC specifications.

From project conception to delivery, we can provide a range of services to complement your EMC testing, which can aid you in delivering compliant, tested and reliable products to market.

For more details of these services and those available through the Expert Services team within Eurofins E&E UK, please contact us.

Sub-Contractor Services

AQL EMC offers bespoke, off-site testing services for both other test labs and customer test sites.

These tests are typically all tests within Def Stan 59-411 (Land/Sea/Air), AECTP 500, Mil-Std 461 and RTCA/DO Sections 15 to 22 and 25.

In addition, attenuation testing, rectification, and analysis services can also be provided.

Specialist tests typically include RS103 18GHz – 40GHz, DCS06/12, DCS08.B, DRE03.B, Lightning, HIRF, NEMP etc.

For details of the range of services that we can offer as well as the scope of UKAS Accredited services that we can provide at locations other than at our laboratory, please get in touch.

Large Equipment Services

AQL EMC are acknowledged experts in EMC testing of large systems, offering, a both flexible and cost-effective solution.

We have a large test chamber on site with a large access door (see our facilities), and we have extensive experience in all aspects of vehicle EMC, including armoured vehicles such as Challenger II, 430, 435, CRAAV and AS90, as well as soft-skinned vehicles such as Land Rover and Pinzgauer.

Alongside our test chambers, we have the facility to test large cabins (<=20ft ISO) and up-to-date knowledge of many land platforms and systems.

We can also provide a complete test management service, including the arrangement of transport and crane hire if required and our UKAS accreditation covers us for both on-site and off-site testing anywhere in the world. 

Remedial Services

Inexplicable failures of computers, communications or other electronic systems can often be traced to electrical interference.

AQL EMC offers a worldwide investigation and rectification service to isolate EMC faults and implement remedial actions, and our engineers endeavour to ensure that solutions are efficient and cost-effective.

We hold a number of contracts with large governmental, defence and private clients whereby we offer an EMC troubleshooting service on a callout basis.

For details of these services, please contact us.