+44 01202 861 175
Eurofins E&E

+44 1202 861 175

About Us

Our Accreditations

UKAS Accreditation

AQL EMC Ltd is accredited by UKAS for a wide range of EMC standards for the defence and aerospace sectors and was the first EMC test laboratory to obtain UKAS accreditiation (No. 0018).

This accreditation schedule covers both permanent and site testing.

JOSCAR (Joint Supply Chain Accreditation register)

To avoid duplication of sensitive information and to create a more streamlined and efficient setup with your company’s accounts systems, we have JOSCAR accreditation on their industry recognised scheme.

Cyber Essentials

With technology moving at a more rapid pace year on year, cyber security is something we take very seriously. This has meant we invest in newer more up-to-date IT systems on a regular basis, and have achieved Cyber Essentials. We look to update to Cyber Essentials Plus in the future, and continue improving our systems.

Our History

AQL EMC was formed in 1988 to run the EMC department originally established at Aish & Co. Ltd of Poole and was involved in EMC testing for the MOD dating back to the 1960s. This included Ships and Submarines primarily, both on-site and in the laboratory in Poole.

AQL EMC is one of the UK’s oldest UKAS-accredited EMC test laboratories (0018). Initial accreditation was held from 1982 and the company has been accredited by NATLAS/NAMAS/UKAS continuously throughout that period, up to the present day.

AQL EMC was bought as part of a management buy-out by Nick Foot in 1987, and Nick was the owner until his unfortunate death in 2020.

After Nick’s passing, Lee Beale became the company’s managing director. Having worked as an EMC engineer for AQL for 30+ years, Lee has a wealth of experience and has been an assistant manager for many years.

On the 5th of June 2023, AQL celebrated the company’s acquisition by Eurofins Scientific, becoming part of the Eurofins E&E UK network.

UKAS accreditation is held for all mainstream worldwide Military Test Standards, including Mil-Std 461, Mil-Std 704, Def Stan 59-411, EFA (Eurofighter), Def Stan 61-5, Mil-Std 1275 & RTCA/DO-160.

The company is accredited to perform these tests in its laboratory in Wimborne Dorset or at the customer’s premises nationally and occasionally worldwide.